

AT&T Science Center

化身世界的大学的数学,科学和工程综合包括AT&T科学中心是为生物系和化学系设计和使用的. The building contains two floors of biology labs, two floors of chemistry labs, and another floor dedicated to research, all provided with state-of-the-art lab equipment. 教师办公室和学生学习区也遍布整个建筑.

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Launch AT&T Science Center

菠菜评级的核磁共振设施位于at&T Science Center, and it is available to students, staff and faculty. 它包括两个核磁共振光谱仪:一个布鲁克300兆赫和一个阿纳萨齐Eft-90. Accessing the NMR facility requires prior training. 所有使用核磁共振仪器的研究人员都需要付费才能使用核磁共振仪器. The money is used to cover all costs of operation, 包括低温(液氦和液氮)和仪器的维护. Reservations of the NMR Facility are done online here.

The Super Magnet Lab, located inside the AT&T Building, 该项目始于2015年提交并于2016年颁发的国防部历史黑人学院和少数民族服务机构研究和教育计划(HBCU/MI)设备/仪器拨款提案.

Within the lab is a +/- 9 Tesla cryogen free, 具有可变温度样品空间的超导核磁共振磁体(室温降至1℃).7 K), a one of a kind equipment that was installed in January 2018. 该实验室还包括一台Tecmag红石核磁共振光谱仪,能够测量位于实验室的任何核磁共振活性元素.

Currently, the crogen-free superconducting magnet is utilized by Dr. Rosa Elia Cárdenas, Ph.D.,物理系副教授,以及多名理科生.


Bonilla Science Hall

Renovated and reopened in 2006 with state-of-the-art equipment, the Bonilla Science Hall (BSH) houses the departments of Engineering, Mathematics, Nutrition, Atmospheric Science (Meteorology) and Physics at the Broadway campus. The BSH contains classrooms and modern labs for fluid mechanics, materials engineering, electronics, meteorology (broadcast and operational), nutrition health, mechanics, and elementary school education. 数学辅导中心位于三楼,为需要数学或统计课程帮助或需要电脑接入的学生提供辅导. 同样位于二楼(BSH 216)的是一个18站的计算机实验室,为课堂和私人研究提供更新的软件.

教师在他们的教室附近有办公室,允许教授和学生之间轻松开放的互动. Students are encouraged to utilize the study tables, writing boards, and mini textbook libraries in the faculty office area of the BSH. 教师可使用配有A/V技术的多功能会议室, staff and students on the second floor.

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Launch Experience

The Broadcast Meteorology Lab, located in Room 327 of the Bonilla Science Hall, 用作广播气象学学生的教学及研究空间. 该实验室有三台演播室摄像机,配有提词器和镜头直播, 学生可以在多个电视台工作的五个制作组, and a large format green screen wall. It also has several large-format TV monitors used for short clips, breaking weather news and in-depth weather stories.

实时天气数据和数值天气预报模型结果由全天候Baron天气预报系统提供,该系统采用Lynx软件和训练有素的工作人员. 广播气象学实验室还包含离线工作站,允许学生开发课堂上使用的故事和天气图表. 该实验室与KUIW电视台相连,在整个校园进行直播.

The Climate and Data Lab, located in Room 333 of the Bonilla Science Hall, 用于指导正在学习业务气象学的学生. This lab consists of a nine-panel display for weather map, model and radar ad satellite display, as well as a Panasonic Panaboard for video display and instruction. Several remote weather stations, which are used to gather data for weather modeling, are placed on the McCombs Center, Solar House, 博尼利亚科学馆和水源馆——所有这些都可以远程访问. 有八个工作站供学生在课堂作业中使用.

该实验室允许学生使用最先进的预测设备处理从校园内外广泛的实地考察中收集的数据. 特殊项目设备包括一个独立的猎户座气象站, two tipping bucket precipitation gauges, handheld Kestrel weather and wind speed meters, 具有高时间分辨率温度和压力传感器的Labquest II数据采集系统, sling psychrometers, a heat flux sensor and IR thermometers. 学生还可以访问实验室样本,包括多个树木横截面(树木年轮分析)和一个海底岩芯样本. 大学亦为香港天文台运作及维护一个天气观测系统 National Weather Service.

The Nutrition Kitchen Labs, located on the third floor of Bonilla Science Hall, 为uw学生提供了亲身体验烹饪的机会. The lab is equipped with seven lab stations, 根据美国残疾人法案(ADA)的标准建造了一个实验室站, and a demonstration station. 每个实验站可容纳三名学生,并配备了一个四燃气燃烧器烹饪灶, a retractable downdraft ventilation system, a baking oven, a microwave oven and a two-compartment stainless steel sink. Additionally, 有一间餐厅和一间配有商用不锈钢冰箱的冷藏室, freezer, ice machine and metro-shelving.

营养厨房实验室每周五天都有各种课程,包括国际烹饪等选修课程, World Cuisine, and is utilized for undergraduate and graduate research projects. Since 2015, miniigems项目将来自圣安东尼奥独立学区中学的未来女科学家带到威斯康星大学参加夏令营. 夏令营利用厨房实验室为参加者制作营养膳食.


Solar House

世界大学的太阳能屋是由uw工程系设计和使用的. The solar array in the house provides electricity for it year-round. 这所房子的节能功能很重要,比如它的太阳能光伏板. 它还有一些可回收的功能,比如ECO回收玻璃台面和Trex地板(由回收的牛奶瓶制成)。. 在其他可持续发展的特点中,房子有软木地板和Parawood(橡胶树)橱柜. 它具有低流量管道装置和双冲水马桶的用水效率. In addition, 由于其绿色玻璃纤维玻璃面内板,室内空气质量良好(寺庙内陆), which is mold and mildew resistant. It produces more clean energy than is needed to operate the building.

The Solar House is ADA compliant, 它还获得了美国绿色建筑委员会能源与环境设计领导的LEED白金认证. Senior design students utilize this space for research and planning. It serves as a visitor’s center, outreach facility, 作为学生和社区技术创新的灵感.

Sustainable Solar House